Your Life Story in 10 Minutes with Chin San Sooi
About Class
pax maximum
What do you do during the class?
How much can you tell about your life in 10 minutes?
Join Chin San Sooi to learn how you could write a 10-minute script about your life! Only limited to 20 spots.
For RM15, you'll be able to join these two sessions
- 19 September 3 PM, Writing Workshop
- 22 September 3 PM, Writer's Room
What do you need?
- Pens, papers, laptop or any writing materials and devices
- A draft of your 10-minute monologue (Optional)
This session will be conducted via Zoom.
!!! You'll also get a chance to have your story performed and premiered on Kakiseni's Facebook page. Submit your script to [email protected] by 24 September 2021, 12 PM.
About Chin San Sooi
Born in Kuala Lumpur, bred in Ipoh, the acclaimed director, Chin San Sooi, is known as a hotbed for directing Shakespearean plays and Broadway/West End musicals in the ‘60s and 70s in Malaysia. In 1968, he was awarded a scholarship from the British Council to pursue his studies at the Central School of Speech and Drama. He has been hailed as one of the five legends of Malaysian theatre by the Boh Cameronian Art Awards.
San Sooi's production of Emily of Emerald Hill starring Pearlly Chua has thrilled audiences in most of the major cities all over the world, including Singapore, North America, Hawaii, Canada and Australia.
Sebanyak mana yang anda boleh bercerita tenang kisah hidup anda dalam 10 minit?
Chin San Sooi akan mengajar memberi anda semua yang anda perlukan untuk menulis skrip monolog 10 minit tentang hidup anda. Hanya terbuka untuk 20 perserta.
Untuk RM15, anda akan dapat sertai 2 sesi ini
- 3PM, 19 September - Workshop Penulisan
- 3PM, 22 September, Writer's Room
Apakah yang anda perlukan?
- Pen, kertas, laptop atau apa jua jenis peranti untuk menulis
- Draf monolog 10 minit (Optional)
Sesi ini akan dijalankan melalui Zoom.
!!! Peluang untuk tulisan anda dilakonkan dan disiarkan di laman Facebook Kakiseni. Hantar skrip anda selewat-lewatnya sebelum 24 September 2021, 12PM.
Mengenai Chin San Sooi
Dilahirkan di Kuala Lumpur, dibesarkan di Ipoh, pengarah terkenal, Chin San Sooi, terkenal sebagai pengarah hangat yang sering mengarah produksi drama Shakespearean dan muzikal Broadway /West End pada tahun 60-an dan 70-an di Malaysia. Pada tahun 1968, beliau mendapat biasiswa dari British Council untuk melanjutkan pelajarannya di Central School of Speech and Drama. Dia telah dipuji sebagai salah satu daripada lima legenda teater Malaysia oleh Boh Cameronian Art Awards.
Produksi San Sooi dari Emily of Emerald Hill yang dibintangi oleh Pearlly Chua telah menghibur penonton di bandar-bandar utama di seluruh dunia, termasuk Singapura, Amerika Utara, Hawaii, Kanada dan Australia.
Photo Credit:
The Star:
Chin San Sooi:
Hui Khaw Su:
Meet, Kakiseni
Based in Kuala Lumpur, Persatuan Kakiseni (PPM-018-10-28052013) is a registered non-profit for the promotion of arts and culture in Malaysia. Kakiseni first launched in 2001 as an online portal for listings, reviews, and feature stories about arts and culture, and in partnership with BOH Plantations, we launched the BOH Cameronian Arts Awards to recognise excellence in the Malaysian performing arts. Today, we are dedicated towards building a sustainable arts industry in Malaysia through programmes that enrich artists and develop audience appreciation for the arts. We also advocate for the value of art and culture in Malaysia and champion new ways of bringing artists and organisations together to create enriching and creative experiences for all.
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