Sejarah Teater Malaysia bersama Fasyali Fadzly
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Sejauh mana pengetahuan anda mengenai sejarah teater Malaysia? Dekan Fakulti Teater ASWARA, Fasyali Fadzly akan memberi anda insight mengenai hasil-hasil karya yang mencetus scene teater Malaysia, dan pelopor-pelopor seni di atas pentas dan di belakang tabir.
Sesi ini akan dijalankan melalui Zoom. Sesuai untuk umur 13 tahun dan keatas.
Mengenai Fasyali Fadzly:
Fasyali Fadzly merupakan seorang pengarah, dramatis, penyelidik dan pendidik. Beliau telah menulis dan mengarahkan teaternya sendiri seperti Teater Juta-Juta, Berani Mati, Kotak Hitam, Mati Hidup Kembali, Ingatan dan turut mengarah karya-karya lain dari penulis lain seperti Leow Puay Tin, Yasmina Reza, Alfian Sa’at dan banyak lagi. Penglibatan teaternya pernah dipentaskan di Malaysia dan luar negara seperti Jepun, Indonesia, Singapura, Canada dan Republik Czech. Beliau turut menulis artikel berkaitan teater dan diterbitkan di portal tempatan dan antarabangsa seperti Critics Republic (Malaysia), Arts Equator (Singapura), Dewan Budaya (Malaysia) dan Jurnal Svara (Malaysia). Pada tahun 2020, beliau telah menerbitkan sendiri koleksi skripnya yang bertajuk Teater Juta-Juta: Koleksi Skrip Teater Fasyali Fadzly. Terkini, beliau mengusahakan projek arkib teater Malaysia, My Art memory Project sebagai penyelidik bersama Kathy Rowland. Fasyali kini berkhidmat di Fakulti Teater, Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA).
How much do you know about Malaysia's theatre history? With the Dean of Faculty of Theatre ASWARA Fasyali Fadzly, we look into the works that gave birth to the theatre scene in Malaysia, and the people on stage and behind the scenes.
The session will be conducted via Zoom. Suitable for ages 13 and above.
About Fasyali Fadzly: Fasyali Fadzly is a director, playwright, researcher and educator. He had written and directed his own plays such as Teater Juta-Juta, Berani Mati, Kotak Hitam, Mati Hidup Kembali, Ingatan and directed several plays from other playwrights such as Leow Puay Tin, Yasmina Reza, Alfian Sa’at and many more. His theatrical works have been staged in Malaysia and abroad such as Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Canada and Czech Republic. He also writes theatre-related articles and reviews and was published in local and international web portals such as Critics Republic (Malaysia), Arts Equator (Singapore), Dewan Budaya (Malaysia) and Jurnal Svara (Malaysia). In 2020, he self-published his first collection of plays titled Teater Juta-Juta: Koleksi Skrip Teater Fasyali Fadzly. Currently, he works for Malaysian theatre archive project, My Art Memory Project as a researcher with Kathy Rowland. Fasyali is now serving at The National of Arts, Culture and Heritage of Malaysia (ASWARA).
Meet, Kakiseni
Based in Kuala Lumpur, Persatuan Kakiseni (PPM-018-10-28052013) is a registered non-profit for the promotion of arts and culture in Malaysia. Kakiseni first launched in 2001 as an online portal for listings, reviews, and feature stories about arts and culture, and in partnership with BOH Plantations, we launched the BOH Cameronian Arts Awards to recognise excellence in the Malaysian performing arts. Today, we are dedicated towards building a sustainable arts industry in Malaysia through programmes that enrich artists and develop audience appreciation for the arts. We also advocate for the value of art and culture in Malaysia and champion new ways of bringing artists and organisations together to create enriching and creative experiences for all.
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